To get off your ass and start working out, you need to be inspired. And motivated. Instead of reading reasons why you should be doing it, and why it's good for you, here are some tips that focus on a different angle altogether.

1. You don't need to do so much cardio

The more cardio, the better. You've definitely heard of that. But spending long periods of time doing cardio, can actually be counterproductive because the body will hold on to its energy sources.

Instead, do short bursts of high-intensity exercises, which has been shown to burn lots of fat.

2. Stop using the scale

Your weight is not what you should be worried about. It isn't what you weigh. It's the ratio of muscle to fat which is more important and the scale can't reveal that.

3. Be hard on your body but easy on your self-image

You can handle more than you think, but you should also love yourself more than what you do right now.

4. Just start doing anything

Before you figure out what routine you like, or want to do, just anything or everything. Just as long as it is something you enjoy.

5. Do it because it changes your mood and life, not just your body.

Exercising for the sake of looking good isn't the best motivation. Instead, try looking at it from a different perspective. Try doing it because it makes you feel good.

6. Don't keep doing the same thing. Mix it up.

When you do something repetitively, our bodies will start to adapt. So much that your muscles will adjust to make that exercise easier. So challenge your body by doing something different all the time.

7. Get massages

Your body needs time to heal, and deep tissue massage will enhance your recovery, performance and decrease your chance of an injury.

8. Make your workouts count

If it is not challenging you, if you're not sweating, if you're feeling like it's too easy, then it's not going to change you.

9. Set small attainable goals first

Don't immediately set a goal to want a 6 pack yet. Start small. Maybe you want to look a little toner. Maybe you want two abs instead of six at first. Set small goals so you see those rewards and results faster. That will help you to go on to the next level.

10. And have a goal that's tough

Small goals are important, but you need to know your end game, and what you want to achieve. Know that, and make sure all those small goals add up to help you reach your final destination.

11. Always try something new

The gym isn't the only place to get fit. Try doing something else. Yoga. Dance. Cycling. Climbing. There's just too many things!

12. Recovery and rest is important

Learn how to take a break, because if you overdo it, things won't end well for you.

13. If it is too good to be true, then it probably is

Don't believe short cuts. It doesn't work. They're unicorns. Just do it at your own pace.

14. Diet is important

Fitness isn't just about reducing fat to muscle ratio, it's also about eating well.

This is not eating well:

15. Don't worry if you don't achieve it just yet

It takes a long time before you end up achieving what you want. I've been working out for years, but have yet to see those glorious Spartan abs. Just focus and keep going.