Got boobs? Then you'll need to know a couple of these things for your well being. Those lady lumps of yours have more trivia than you ever thought. Check out the list below, explaining everything from hormones to genetics to size and more!

1. Most people have lumpy, bumpy boobs

2. Coffee can make your boobs more sensitive.

3. Your workout could give you boob pain.

4. Or it could hurt for tons of different reasons.

Hormones are the common cause, but consult your doctor if the pain persists.

5. Nipplegasms exist.

6. Boob size is pretty much all genetics and weight.

7. Anyone with breast tissue can get breast cancer. That includes men.

8. 80% of people who get breast cancer don’t have any family history.

9. Nipples and areolae can come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

10. Your boobs won’t automatically get bigger with birth control.

11. Your boobs are made up of a few different things.

From milk ducts to the lobules, there are fibrous connective tissues that hold everything together. Everything else is just fat.

12. Your breast density depends on the amount of functioning tissue to fatty tissue.

13. Saggy boobs are pretty much unavoidable. Even if you wear the right kind of bra.

14. Breast augmentations are still the top cosmetic surgery procedures. Everyone wants to go a size up.

15. Breastfeeding isn’t always super easy and chill. It takes practice.

16. You can try but chest exercises won’t actually give you a perkier pair.

17. The side of your boob could be more sensitive than your nipples. Imagine that!

18. Drinking less alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight are two major ways to cut your risk of breast cancer.

19. Most boobs aren’t the exact same size.