State authorities in New York state have started to look for new ways to boost tourism in the state. That might sound strange for a place like New York. It’s seen as one of the most attractive and loved cities in the whole world, not just America. But the rural areas of New York are not seeing anywhere near like the same levels of tourist activity as Manhattan is. The solution that the state regulators are now looking to is new train routes.

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One of the big problems that the new routes will look to solve is opening up areas of the state that were previously inaccessible to most visitors. The landscape in rural New York is beautiful but until now there has been no conventional or convenient way of getting to a lot of these regions.

The route will stretch to remote areas like the Adirondacks that no tourist has been to before. The hope is that this will encourage people to visit other parts of the state rather than just sticking to Manhattan and other popular state areas. This will then help the economy grow faster and boost public investment in the future.

It’s also hoped that it will bring people who don’t necessarily want to deal with the business and costliness that staying in Manhattan represents for tourists. For a lot of people, staying in Manhattan is too expensive to afford. But the new train line opening up cheaper areas and the rise in holiday rentals, which you can find if you visit HouseTrip, are starting to change things. That’s what is hoped anyway.

How far the train line will go to creating cheaper options for tourists remains to be seen though. But it will certainly offer a broader range of things to do in New York state for people who are visiting for the first time. Locals have been saying for a long time that there is more to the state than the hustle and bustle of Manhattan. So, hopefully, we’ll now start to see a bit more of that.

So, how will the new train line look and work? The new proposals will extend the tourist train route on the southwestern part of a rail corridor. It will also convert the northeastern segment into a recreational trail that would end at Lake Placid. This means that areas like Lake Lila and Low’s Lake in the region of Whitney Wilderness would become much easier to get to and open up tourist possibilities.

Another interesting part of the proposals is that they suggest snowmobile trails that will connect even more remote areas up to each other. It would start at Beaver River and link to the Adirondacks in the west, which already have quite comprehensive snowmobile trails to link to. This could hold some novelty appeal for adventurous tourists looking for something a little different.

These plans are not set in stone just yet though. So, it might be a long time before we actually see them put into action.