Falling asleep with someone is not for everyone, and the way you sleep next to your S.O. may speak volumes about your personality. The Times of India listed six sleeping styles that give a little insight to your personality.

Which one's you?

  • In each other’s arms :  New couple, but rarely do couples continue to sleep in each other’s arms longer than a year.
  • Looks like spoons: This is where partners face the same direction and lie on the same side — one behind the other. This demonstrates intimacy and affection.
  • Apart, but under the same blanket: This sleeping style resembles comfortability in the relationship — that they can be separated, but still confident in one another.
  • Arm around the other: This one differs depending on who has the arm around the other. For men it demonstrates protection and for women it demonstrates nurturing.
  • Bottoms touching: This paired sleeping style represents a couple who wants to sleep separately and face the opposite direction — still, it demonstrates that they want to stay connected. Bottoms touching shows intimacy, and also shows security in their own space.
  • “Move over”: This is when when one of the individual’s in a relationship moves the other over, taking up a bigger portion of the bed. This usually happens in ‘deep sleep’, but represents an imbalance of power in the relationship.