The ‘perfect’ home is a dream that most people aspire to but never realise. Firstly, it is hard. But, more importantly it is almost impossible to quantify. How do you tell that a house is perfect? Perfect is a strong word, but there are a couple of variables that you should take into account. If you do, the perfect home may not be too far away. Here are a few of the essentials that every home that calls itself perfect should have.

1.    Location

Your home has to be in the correct area if it wants to be seen as perfect. It isn’t just about the interior of the property; the exterior plays a massive part. For example, how close is the house to work? How close is the house to major cities? What is the surrounding area like? You might have the most beautiful house in the world, but if it isn’t in the right area, then the demand will be far lower. Reverse this, and your house could be tiny with a horrible bathroom, but put it in the right location and it won’t stay on the market for long.

2.    Will It Hold Value?

The perfect home’s value hardly fluctuates. There will be a bit of a drop at certain times, but regardless the perfect home's price will not fall below what you paid for it. There are some reasons for this, so check out the median price of the neighbourhood your home is in and the surrounding neighbourhoods. If you want to make sure your home doesn’t drop off value wise, add value yourself. Conservatories are a great way to add value.

3.    Does It Have A Garden?

Gardens are an essential part of the perfect home. Just imagine paying all that money for a property but you weren’t able to chill out in the garden. A garden is perfect for children and adults alike, as kids can spend time playing and grownups can spend time with their hobbies.

They add so much value to a house it doesn’t matter if the garden is ship shape or in terrible condition; there is always flexibility. For example, you could have a conventional garden, or a garden that is paved and looks more like a golf course. For inspiration on how to use your garden to turn your property into the perfect home, check out companies like True Grid. They can supply the kinds of materials for your garden that will turn it into a masterpiece.

4.    Crime

Your home should be secure, so the neighbourhood crime figures need a look before you make any purchases. It can give you a good idea of how safe the area is for you and your children. For example, check how many crimes are being committed and the severity of the crimes.

5.    Schools

You always want the best for your children. What school they can go to and the quality of their education will depend on your house. Obviously, if a quality school is too far away you can’t do the commute, but if you are not close enough, they might not accept you in the first place. If you live in the area, your kids have a better chance of being accepted.

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