As a young professional myself, I understand how easily it is to be distracted, stressed or frustrated. Sometimes, you might just wake up feeling grumpy! We’re only human after all. Unfortunately, a negative mood won’t get you anywhere at work. So how can you stay upbeat? It’s time to bring some zen into your life!

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Avoid Distractions

Avoiding distractions is often much harder when you work from home. I know how tempting it is to check your phone. We spend far too much time flicking from device to device and end up procrastinating. It’s not just homeworkers that have this problem. Offices are getting more modern, and you may even need to be on your phone for work. It sounds almost impossible to avoid distraction, but it’s not!

The key is self-discipline. You have to be strict with yourself; it’s easier said than done but possible. It’s a good idea to write to-do lists and set goals throughout the day.

If you struggle to the point that you don’t think lists will help, there’s an app for that. Mobile and desktop applications exist that will block you from visiting certain sites. Useful for social media addicts! Many of these apps will not let you close them or exit till the set time is over - no excuses.

Decorate For A Better Mood

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A significant factor in feeling happier at work is the environment you’re in. Remember, your cubicle doesn’t have to be ugly. The same rules apply if you work in at a desk, in your bedroom or anywhere else.  Creative types often work in chaotic environments and are naturally messy. Although it can work for some, this doesn’t mean you should blame your unorganised space on creativity. It’s possible to reach at least organised chaos! It’s amazing how people can put their creativity to good use and design a unique office space.

If you have a lot of paperwork lying around, it’s well worth setting aside time to arrange them properly. Invest in proper filing equipment or ask your office manager if you can have more storage space. Clutter on your desk will make you feel flustered and disorganised, the opposite of what you want at work.

In most cases, you’ll be able to decorate your office space to a degree. If you can’t make any large changes, simple things such as decorative stationery sets can lift your mood. If you have more freedom to decorate, think about personalising your office space. A quick trick for a mood boost is to have photos or items that make you smile at your desk. It’s hard to be in a bad mood when you’re smiling!

Share Your Good Mood

If you feel good at work, share your positive energy! Don’t shy away from smiling, laughing or joking at work. Of course, only do so when it’s appropriate.

It's easy to make others around you feel good too. A simple gesture such as sending flowers to a colleague or key client for a birthday or anniversary will kill two birds with one stone. You’ll feel better for having sent then and will build a better relationship! If I’m sending a gift, I like to choose a store like Serenata Flowers, where I can personalise the gift.

Another simple gesture is to offer to make someone a coffee if they are in a bad mood. A small gesture like this could make an enormous difference to someone's day. Plus, in the future they may return the favour when you need perking up.

It sounds silly, but by being nice and smiling you’ll feel much better at work.

Get Involved

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If you work as part of a team, it’s a good idea to take part in as many group activities as possible. If you aren’t already, suggest getting together outside of work. If you haven’t any ideas, try these suggestions for group activities.

Bonding with colleagues and sharing positive experience will make you more productive as a whole. It may help you understand people’s personalities or working styles better.

If you work with several key clients regularly, why not take them to a coffee shop or restaurant after a meeting? A change of scenery from your usual meeting space will make you feel more perky when you return to work. It’ll also give you the chance to build better client relationships.

Live A Healthy Lifestyle

If you’re already leading an active and healthy lifestyle, bonus points to you! The more healthy you are outside of work, the better you’ll feel at work. Your healthy living efforts shouldn’t stop there. Whether you work in an office or from home, it’s incredibly tempting to snack and do minimal exercise. Think about it, if you are sitting for a good 8 hours a day, how will that affect your mood and health?

All employers will encourage you to take regular breaks including your lunch break. Taking breaks is especially important if you work for extended periods of time looking at a screen. If you don’t take breaks, eat well and move from your desk, you’ll find you feel groggy and tired by the afternoon. Moving away from your desk doesn’t have to mean leaving the office. You could just get up to walk to the dining area or chat with a colleague for 10 minutes.

I recently spotted the “claim back your lunch break” campaign, it’s a fantastic idea. No matter how busy you are, it’s so important that you eat regularly and healthily. Skipping meals and a poor diet could affect your concentration and alertness. You may skip your lunch because you have too much to do. However, you won't be much help to anyone if your tummy is rumbling and you can't concentrate!

How To Get Started

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If you’re feeling more upbeat try this. Spend time thinking about what makes you unhappy at work. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, think about how you can turn them into a positive. If work is still getting you down, maybe it’s time to start investigating other career options. It’s never too late to be happy!