Need a bitchy face for any occasion? Look no further for inspiration. Here's Blair Waldorf providing you with 18 types of bitchy faces you can use. It's never ending! Check it out below:

1. When you know you're being lied to, and this is the face you want to use:

2. For any time anyone annoys you. With anything.

3. When you just don't understand what the fuss is all about.

4. When you just want someone to shut up already so you can talk.

5. When you want to make your bitchy face known during dinner:

6. How to give a half-smile.

7. When you're not really agreeing with someone.

8. When you have to tell someone this:

9. When someone points out something that's obvious.

10. When you want to call someone cute, but they aren't really cute anyway.

11. When you feel suspicious of someone.

12. When you know it's time to own someone completely and you can't contain your smile.

13. How to go from smile to no-smile.

14. When you let your eyes do the talking.

15. When you accept a compliment.

16. When you go mad:

17. When you want to take back the power.

18. General annoyance: