Triumph showed off its latest creation: a bra that will give you some pep talk and help you snap perfect selfies. Of course, like every other wacky bra they've come up with, they have no intention of selling this. The Wearable Womanliness-Boosting Bra is just a concept.

The bra lets you slip your smartphone into the heart-shaped sheath attached to the skirt. It will record health data, distance traveled, steps taken, calories burned as well as hours you've slept.

The bra was also designed to make women feel good about themselves and is capable of responding to your voice with confidence-boosting compliments.

A string of lights along the straps and edge of the bra can also "illuminate your bust." Its skirt can also be converted into a photography board reflector so you get just the right amount of light.

The undergarment will also measure your heartbeat and flash its lights in unison with your cardiac rhythm.