Dadbod is so yesterday. Mombod is trending now. The recent hashtag #DadBod took over the Internet for a while, celebrating the hotness of dads and their bodies with a truckload of internet love along with it.

Here's an example:

But now, moms too are looking for a female equivalent to celebrate the bodies of moms.

So it was only a matter of time before #MomBod made its debut.

Women across the world are celebrating their beautiful bodies with the hashtag #MomBod.

But unlike #DadBod, #MomBod is a celebration of a figure that has undergone childbirth.

It is beautiful!

From stretch marks..

To some flab here and there.

#MomBod is awesome.

One Instagrammer said, "This is a Mombod. This is a body that has gone through the rigors of childbirth. Celebrating the Dadbod is a disservice to every mom because it takes absolutely no effort nor sacrifice to get it."

You don't get #MomBod by doing nothing.

There's a lot of effort involved in #MomBod.

These women here are embracing their bodies.

Having gone through the process of giving life..

What better way to celebrate all of that but by using #MomBod