One of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide, breast cancer puts patients in both physically and emotionally challenging places. Undergoing a mastectomy is just the first thing to overcome. Now, an organization called is enlisting talented tattoo artists to help breast cancer survivors by turning their scars into art.

Adriana approached tattooist David Allen to help conceal her scars from mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

Allen shared on his website “Adriana had fought cancer and won… I'll never forget meeting Adriana and connecting instantly. I wasn't sure how to be. I knew just a portion of her story and my heart was heavy. Do I respond with pity? Of course compassion, but how much do I show? She walked in and all ambiguity was gone. My job was to be present; to think less about myself.”

He gave her not just beautiful tattoos.. But a new lease on life and helped her capture back her femininity.

Adriana is not the only one who is doing this.

A new trend has risen allowing breast cancer survivors to leave those scars behind. is helping to make it easier by pairing survivors with artists like Allen.

Breast cancer doesn't have to leave a mark.