Before we start this article, let's get one thing straight: cosmetic procedures aren't a bad thing. In fact, in certain circumstances, they can do wonders to boost the self-confidence and feeling of self-worth in people.

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But these days, it seems like too many people go under the surgeon's knife all too easily, without looking into alternative methods.

With this in mind, here's how to postpone any thoughts of surgery or harsh procedures that can have a lasting - and sometimes nightmarish - effect on the human body.


Liposuction is the process of draining fat from the body. It is performed by a cosmetic surgeon who cut into the body and insert a suction tube to take out fat. In some circumstances, it is useful - perhaps after a breast reconstruction, for example. However, a lot of people do it because they are overweight. The alternative might take a while longer, but it will save you thousands of pounds. It's the simple notion of eating better and doing more exercise. Just consume fewer calories than you are spending through working out, and you will soon have that all that fat burning away. You will also put on muscle, which helps with the fat burning process. Get yourself a good fitness program on DVD and a healthy cookbook to get started.


A lot of women - and men - swear by Botox injections. It's a quick way to fill up the gaps caused by wrinkles and give the impression of a smoother face. But it can be easy to spot if you go too far with it, and you could end up with a face entirely free of expression. And nobody wants that, do they? There are a lot of alternatives to getting your entire face pierced, however. Basic makeup application can cover a multitude of sins - and mornings after late nights out. Or you could even look at getting a specialist product like LifeCell anti aging cream, which could help with the appearance of a smoother skin.


If you suffer from particularly saggy skin as you age, then perhaps - but only perhaps - a facelift might give you a boost. But if you are just hoping to get rid of those bags under your eyes, then you should try an alternative first. This particular alternative is completely free, and most people love doing it. It's called sleeping. A solid night's sleep on a good quality mattress will help you look and feel a lot fresher throughout the day. While it won't make your eye bags disappear, it will stop them getting worse. Add a little makeup in the morning, and nobody will see them - and you will think twice about heading to see your local surgeon.

We hope this little article has given you the chance to have a think about undergoing surgery. There are so many there options out there that will cost you less money, and at least they will give you the chance of postponing things while you think about them. There are some very scary stories about cosmetic procedures - are you ready to take those risks?