Is there such a thing as the perfect body? How would you know if you saw one? Cassey Ho has a YouTube channel that's devoted to teaching Pilates and bootcamp workouts. She also invented blogilates. She's read her fair share of mean comments viewers made about her body. So she decided to make a video of the 'perfect' body.

This is Cassey.

Body image affects a lot of people. She told People magazine, “Our friends, our families and just random commenters can really change how we feel about our bodies, and make us feel insecure.”

Check out the video she made:

Using CGI, she completely changed her body and gave herself a thigh gap, thinner waist, narrower jaw, bigger breasts and different colored eyes.

And before she released the video, she did the same to an Instagram selfie without telling anyone:

Even then, the comments were mean.

It was basically worrying that some people think that this is real and it should be the goal.

She said, “It’s tough knowing what’s real and what’s not when magazine covers and music videos are photoshopped (yes, music videos), Instagram pics are photoshopped, and so many women are getting surgery.”

“The goal is to show that cyber-bullying and mean comments really affect people, and to think before you say something. I hope that people do the exact opposite after seeing this video.”