We tend to be more attracted to men who have beards and or tattoos, and the reason for that is very primal. It's all to do with the prevalence of ornamentation. In a nutshell, it is a physical add-on that sets us apart from another person, and used to enhance sexual attractiveness to the opposite sex.

Researchers at the University of Western Australia found that the prevalence of male primate ornamentation increases in larger and more complex societies. In this case, the human society.

According to lead author Dr. Cyril Grueter:

"In large groups where individuals are surrounded by strangers, we need a quick reliable tool to evaluate someone's strength and quality, and that's where these elaborate ornaments come in. In the case of humans, this may also include phenotypic extensions such as body decoration, jewelry and prestige items."

Physical attributes like the human beard signals a masculinity or dominance and proves its attractiveness to potential sexual partners.

Tattoos and beards are just examples of ornamentation. Even the way you dress up could help too, since not all women today particularly like or love tattoos and beards.

But don't worry if you can't grow a beard. A well-dressed man can easily be just as, or maybe even more attractive.