Despite its sub-par quality, hard to follow instruction manuals and overpriced-sometimes-cheaply produced furniture, everyone shops at IKEA. It's the place to go if you need something you can't afford elsewhere. So what if they were a tad honest in their catalogs?

1. This could be a chair, table, or something. Assembly required.

2. Breaks easily.

3. The cause of couple arguments.

4. You won't know where you are in IKEA. You won't.

5. All the products you want are here.

6. Some assembly required. Really?

7. That's why we charge you for delivering it to you.

8. Don't be stingy, just pay us to deliver it to you.

9. You definitely forgot to put in a nut.

10. Isn't this the most good looking table you've seen?

11. Just follow our easy step-by-step manual.

12. You might want to consider buying a better model.

13. You don't need these but we're selling it to you anyway.