Journalist Angela Epstein called breastfeeding selfie takers 'naked exhibitionists' on a U.K. talk show called
This Morning. She said, 'It is an attention-seeking spectacle which uses children almost as a commodity, parading them around and saying, ‘Isn’t it great? I can breastfeed. This whole brelfie cult smacks of naked exhibitionism.'
Moms all over didn't take that comment well, so they decided to protest, and thus was born the hashtag #Brelfie.
It was coined and first posted by actress Alyssa Milano back in December:
“I got really sad about [the negative response],” Milano said
on The Talk in December, “because who are we, that now we get upset as human beings if we see a woman feeding her baby?”
Moms all over the world decided to protest by posting more brelfies.
It then spread International with more brelfies from all over the world.
What do you think of it?