Being romantic has changed over time, especially if you look back at these vintage Valentine's Day cards. Crude doesn't even begin to describe it. More like seriously wrong. Check out 35 vintage Valentine's Day cards in the list below:

1. Pretty sure hitting your lady friend isn't romantic.

2. Violence or innuendo?

3. Reverse psychology method to get you a Valentine?

4. Robbing someone's heart gets illustrated in the most like this:

5. What is a 'magic ray'?

6. We're sure there are other better ways to illustrate this than using a gun.

7. Cute if you're a kid. Creepy if you're an adult.

8. Threatening suicide if you don't get love?

9. Once again cute, but are those boxing gloves meant to intimidate or what?

10. We're starting to see guns were used a lot in Valentine's Day cards.

11. This is where and when corny pick up lines were born.

12. "Kick me around and I won't mind, Valentine." So wrong.

13. The good intention is there, but something's just wrong here.

14. Don't guess wrong. Otherwise...gun! Wait, no gun here!

15. Hannibal Lecter wasn't introduced yet back then, so this was totally not scary

16. Stalker in the making:

17. Violence is how you show love back then.

18. Better hope they're not real bullets.

19. Quiz: what is wrong with this card?

20. This is the birth of sexting.

21. Guys use tools to illustrate their love.

22. That's one helluva freaky looking lamb.

23. Nice rhyming and it shows how persistent one can be, though it'll never work right now.

24. They didn't know the word "Friend-zone" back then.

25. That club. Your head. Or your heart. You choose.

26. Players gonna play play play.

27. Love is a hunting game.

28. Honestly, the most creepy love card you can give to someone who'll guarantee you never see them ever again.

29. Or there will be two bullets in your chest heart.

30. Too bad this kinda thing doesn't work if someone doesn't even like you to begin with.

31. Emma Watson would hate this.

32. And this as well:

33. Realization.

34. Probably the best V-day card in this list.

35. What if she doesn't want to be yours? What then? Seriously. What then?