Jennifer Lawrence is still the coolest chick around and her care-free attitude is what makes her so attractive and inspiring. Here are some more 13 reasons why she should be your role model.
1. On red carpet talks: it's all about food!
2. On fashion:
3. On being totally cool with tripping.
4. She knows how to sneak a finger in.
5. On the subject of being mean and unsupportive.
6. When she's clearly okay with chugging a drink.
7. When she revealed just how easy it was for her to "look like this."
8. She also revealed it on stage.
9. On being happy with the way she looks:
10. And being skinny or good looking.
11. She overeats sometimes. Probably best not to follow this one.
12. On her opinion of her weight.
13. On body image: