The worst thing people can say about your appearance is that you look tired. Not getting enough beauty sleep may be the downfall of you. Here are some reasons why being sleep deprived is not something you want on your to-be list.
You experience poor motor skills, emotional problems, poor judgement, impaired learning ability and more.
You just won't be able to tell how tired and impaired you really are.
Leptin and grehlin help regulate your appetite and feelings of fullness, but if you're sleep deprived the correct ratio of those hormones gets impaired.
Somehow, that cupcake and chocolate bar looks helluva delicious.
Your body won't be able to metabolize food as efficiently as it usually can.
From hypertension to diabetes and obesity and depression there's also heart attack and stroke.
Sleep apnea is a condition where people stop breathing for periods of time while they sleep and is a very serious medical condition. It can go undiagnosed and untreated.
Which is the stuff your body needs to repair itself.
Your pets and gadgets are causing you more harm in the bedroom.
Sleeping at 10pm and getting up at 6am on weekdays but sleeping at 6am on weekends seriously screws up your sleep cycles.