When you have it, you flaunt it. But super-fit mom Abby Pell didn't think that her one Instagram picture would cause this much controversy. She said she was just trying to motivate people. Now she's being accused of fat shaming.

This is how fit Abby Pell is:

She frequently posts fit pictures of herself.

Honestly, if you had that kind of body, you'd post one up every other hour.

This is the picture that got her a lot of criticism.

Here's her defense:

I’ve been getting a lot of stick for this picture recently, I posted it back in February and it seems to have spread all over the Internet and has even made the local papers this week. I’ve been accused of adding to unnecessary pressure put on women and more specifically mums to lose weight. I would like to clarify that this is not my objective whatsoever.

The message I want to portray is for all the women/mums/girl who aren’t happy or confident with themselves and the reason they don’t try to do anything about it is because they think it’ll be too hard or even impossible to get results.
Everyone could make excuses, too many people think it’s easier not to try than to risk failure. It’s not the case. I don’t want to make other women feel bad about themselves, I want them to look at me and think, if she can do it so can I. Because you can!

I don’t “live” in the gym, I don’t eat “nothing but rabbit food” I do have a ton of other time consuming commitments and days that stress me out, I crave chocolate and wine and sometimes I would rather spend my evenings sat on the sofa eating hobnobs and watching TV than sweating my butt off in the gym… But I make time for exercise and I make healthy choices when it comes to what I eat. It’s about priorities and I don’t regret the choices I’ve made. It’s not easy but it’s a lot easier than looking in the mirror every day and not feeling happy with the reflection staring back at you.

Be happy, be healthy and empower others to feel same.

Here are more pictures of how fit she is. Hopefully this will serve as gymspiration to you today: