What if there were easier ways to do things with the help of some brilliant inventions? Here are some 15 examples of products that would probably be very useful. Check it out below:

1. No one would think to check here:

2. This would save you a lot of time.

3. Don't bother buying adapters anymore with this:

4. Finally, a place to rest your brush.

5. Sometimes you don't want to drink it all.

6. A ladder like this:

7. This method of carrying away your drink.

8. Pillows like this, because you can't have enough of them.

9. Snow bikes that look this cool.

10. This alarm:

11. A way for you to eat canapes and drink your wine at a party.

12. Your coffee never gets cold.

13. When you've got no choice but to sit on a priceless piece of art.

14. Save your batteries!

15. When you have more than one kid to wheel around.