Before you scroll down this list, we'll shock you by saying Korea isn't on it. From larger breasts to thinner waists, from firmer skin to nicer noses and flatter abs, here are the countries that have the most plastic surgery procedures.

1. Iran - 174,788 procedures

Iran's most popular surgery is rhinoplasty, also known as nose jobs. Many wanted smaller and more upturned ones.

2. Argentina – 287,823 Procedures

Argentina offers low-cost surgical procedures, and even vacation packages that offer surgery too.

3. Venezuela – 291, 388 Procedures

Venezuela is always one of the finalists in beauty pageants, and the beauty industry is the largest and most profitable one in the country. Plastic surgery is apparently common for young women there.

4. Italy – 375,256 Procedures

The most common procedure in Italy is using resorbable fillers for wrinkle reduction, lipostructure, and eyelid surgery.

5. Colombia – 420,177 Procedures

Columbia offers surgery vacation packages that lets you return home with new breasts or a little less fatter than you were. It's called Plastic Surgery Tourism.

6. Spain – 447,177 Procedures

The most popular job done in Spain is its non-surgical Botox followed by fillers and breast augmentation.

7. Germany – 654,115 Procedures

Germany's popular procedures are non-surgical ones, involving Botox and fillers. But when it comes to surgery, breast enlargement and liposuction top that list.

8. Mexico – 884,353 Procedures

Mesico offers the budget version of plastic surgery in comparison to what's offered in the U.S. There have been several botched procedures, but it still hasn't stopped people from going.

9. Brazil – 2,141,257 Procedures

Brazil has more tummy tucks than any other country, and their procedures include liposuction, rbeast augmentation and a breast lift.

10. United States – 3,996,631 Procedures

The U.S. has done more plastic surgeries than any other country. From breast augmentation to liposuction topping the list to Botox injections as the number one non-surgical procedure.