There are many cookbooks out there, but probably none with these kind of illustrations. Apparently used to gain the interest of the younger generation, this cookbook combines cute illustrated girls in skimpy lingerie and suggestive poses along with cooking instructions.

Titled Oyako to shimai wo oishiku itadaku 15 no houhous - or 15 Ways to Deliciously Eat mothers-and-daughters and sisters, it looks like this:

Even the title was quite weird.

There are recipes which include codfish and mentaiko, and lamb and mutton.

Oyako-don refers to parent and child and rice bowl.It does have some normal looking cooking instructions.

And this:

And this:

But we don't quite understand the need to accompany them with these illustrations.

It also contains seven "sister" recipes, featuring combinations such as tomato and eggplant, taro and konjac, and assorted types of mushrooms. And they consist of illustrations like this:

And then normal looking ones like this.

And this:

The publisher, Poisson Rouge isn't new to this kind of thing. They've also published "gourmet comics" like how to prepare fish. Obviously, they look like this:

What does this have to do with preparing meals?

Questionable? And weird? I don't know what to make of it.