No matter how you hard you try, it is always difficult to avoid office politics. And what more if there are resident bitches in the workplace? Things get hard, but before you find a solution to deal with any of that, you'll need to know how to identify them.

1. The two face bitch

Description: She'll suck up to you and be your best friend in front of you, and then turn around to gossip about you when she can.

2. The exclusion tactics bitch

Description: The bitch that pretends you don't exist, and wants you out of the picture. She organizes outings and more and conveniently leaves you out, just so she can make you out to be a non-team player.

3. The screamer bitch

Description: The one that yells and raises her voice to intimidate and screams when insulting.

4. The insecure bitch

Description: She thinks everyone else is dumber and micromanages everyone. She also tries to steal your spotlight for anything, or everything.

5. The narcissistic bitch

Description: She's not a team player, and is only there to further her goals up the ladder. Her ego may be both her winning and losing quality.

If you ever meet any one of these, hang in there.