There isn't anyone in the world that enjoys mosquito bites. If you are always seemingly a target, and wonder why, here are some 7 reasons the world's deadliest killer likes you so much. Check it out:

1. The color of your clothes

Mosquitoes have fashion taste. They prefer dark colors.

2. You move a lot

The more you move, the easier they'll identify you as a target...full of blood.

3. You give out a lot of body heat

Your body heat is like a beacon call to mosquitoes. The warmer you are, the more they'll come.

4. Carbon dioxide

Mosquitoes love carbon dioxide. They can even detect it because they have a special organ to do so.

5. If you drink, you'll attract them

Mosquitoes love a person that drinks, because they can detect ethanol.

6. Your skin and sweat. They just love it.

If you are prone to bites, chances are people in your family are too. It's genes, specifically the composition of your skin bacteria.

7. Blood type

If you are type O, be prepared to fend off mosquitoes for the rest of your life.

Damn you, mosquitoes.