What happens if you communicate using emoji and emoji only? This couple, Alex Goldmark and Liza Stark decided to see what happens if they only texted in emojjis for 30 days. This is going to get really confusing!

They downloaded several chat apps. WeChat was one of them. It had quite a number of vital emojis they could use.

They signed up to be New Tech City's guinea pigs to see if their relationship could stand tons of emojis.

Alex used a hat-clad guy while Liza used a brunette girl. Here's what their conversation looks like. Can you decipher it?

According to them, Liza is telling Alex not to meet her for drinks because her friend had a death in the family. Alex read that as "oh, you missed me!"

Obviously, communicating in emoji forces a couple to understand one another better on another level. After the experiment had ended, Alex and Liza said they still found themselves reverting back to emojis instead of texts.