Everyone's BFF, Jennifer Lawrence has always been a press favorite ever since she emerged on to the scene. She's the straight talking, no-nonsense, say what she wants kind of girl. Here are 24 GIFs reiterating why she's just so awesome.

1. When everyone is so prim and proper, she's all like "yeah awesome!"

2. She walks with a genuine smile.

Kim Kardashian can't do this.

3. She can be sexy and keep a straight face too.

4. She's got hidden talents she's not afraid to show.

Although, pretty useless one.

5. She knows how to act out a range of emotions.

6. Even action films are her thing. Evidently of course.

X-Men and Hunger Games is not going to be the only action movies she'll be in.

7. She radiates some kind of casual-hotness that seems attainable.

Seems attainable.

8. She might be the new sex-symbol we've been waiting for.

She's not overly sexy, but there's just some special sauce about her we can't quite pin down.

9. She's playful.

When everyone is so afraid of getting weird and funny pictures taken, she's totally cool with it.

10. She may be the Taylor Swift of films.

Here she is creeping up to Taylor Swift.

11. She knows how to pull a joke.

Was this really a joke?

12. She's a klutz. For some reason, the Internet loves a klutz even more when she's hot.

13. She beat Meryl Streep!

Granted, these days, everyone beats Meryl Streep.

14. She's not embarrassed at things like this:

Yeah, dude, it freaking happens, okay?

15. She shares a lot about herself.

Definitely not shy about this either.

16. She loves beer.

She's a guy's girl.

17. She doesn't see how winning an award is great.

Okay not really but don't you love that sense of humor?

18. She's not afraid of job pressure and responsibility.

19. She speaks the truth.

20. She's okay with eating. Loves it too. She's just like you.

21. Sometimes, she shares too much information.

Now we can't get that image out of our heads.

22. Some might say she suffers from thin-skin syndrome.

She's an open book. No secrets.

23. She does what you do when you are home alone.

Pants? Ugh. They suck!

24. She obviously doesn't care if you don't give a toss about her or if you judge her.

Clearly fantastic.