Meetings are a waste of time, but we're still having them. They're not going anywhere, and we'll still have to attend them for a long time more to come. But the bigger reason why they are a waste of time is because most don't have a unified agenda. But if a meeting does have a point to it, it is your attitude towards it that's making it a waste of time for everyone else.

1. Come in empty handed

I have had colleagues who have come in to a meeting empty handed. No ideas. No resolutions. Just sitting there being a meeting room decor.

2. Be late

If a meeting starts at 4pm, then be there at 4pm. There is no reason why it should start any later. You're not only wasting your time, but others as well.

3. Critique but don't offer suggestions

More often than not, most people have a critique for something, an idea for example. But they most often also, don't have a suggestion for it. Instead of saying why an idea is bad, offer up a solution as well.

4. Not take notes

If you think you'll remember everything out of a meeting, you're dead wrong. Write them down. You aren't Mike Ross.

5. Come in with a negative vibe

Attending a meeting with a black face or two is hard. Simply because it makes conversations and decisions very one sided. Don't do this. Try compartmentalizing whatever you are feeling. work is work. There's no two ways around it.

6. Give suggestions that are meaningless

If you don't have anything to say, don't try to come up with a meaningless suggestion. Instead, think of it from a logical point of view. You can't think of an idea on the spot, so you'd like some time to think of it. That's reasonable. Don't offer up something that is completely stupid. It defeats the point.

7. Not paying full attention.

I have been in meetings where colleagues are more speaking to the rest of the table while looking at their messages or even replying them. That's the biggest mistake you can do. Not only does it reflect on your poor attitude, but also your lack of respect for the people attending the meeting.

8. Not giving others a chance to speak

There are some people who only love to hear the sound of their voice. These people don't listen to reason, suggestions or crtiques. Don't be like these people. Meetings are never progressive if they are participated by one person. If that's the case, just send out a memo.

9. Put someone on the spot unnecessarily

Never put someone in the spot unncessarily. Do it offline. Others in the meeting don't really need to hear about other people's problems.

10. End with no follow-up later

If there's no follow up date to the meeting that took place, it is most definitely a waste of time. Offer up a time and a date to resolve or complete what was discussed in the meeting. Otherwise, don't even have it in the first place.