Life doesn't come with a manual, but we can at least listen to some of the advice that people have to say. Here are some 20 good life advice for any 20 something. You don't want to waste your 20s away doing stupid things.

1. Get off the Internet. Look up. There is life beyond it.

2. Hobbies are important.

3. Know what you want to do, or at least have an inkling.

4. When you have commitments, it'll be hard to do this, so do it while you're young.

5. Don't settle.

6. It will be an adventure.

7. Know when to move on.

8. A book is better than an iPad.

9. It doesn't start in front of a TV. Go do something now.

10. It is more important than you think.

11. Safety first. Always remember that.

12. You can always make more money. You can't get time back.

13. And drive safe always.

14. Don't repeat the same mistakes. Learn from them.

15. Material things are meaningless. Spend your money in experiences.

16. Be independent.

17. Be action oriented.

18. Stop to smell the roses.

19. The reasoning behind this is to enjoy.

20. Don't hold pity parties. You have to move on.