Back in December, Britney Spears released a music video for her single "Perfume". It was boring, it was not very Britney like, and it was pretty much a waste of your time.

Here it is:

She spends a lot of time spraying perfume alone in the bathroom.

Guess what? That's the whole video.

But what was strange was there were paparazzi photos from the video shoot. Here's Britney wielding a gun:

But it didn't make it into the final cut. Here's how it ends:

Director Joseph Kahn revealed in an interview with VideoStatic that the final video was culled together from scrap footage.
It sucks, especially since my director’s cut is an entirely different video. The released edit is missing half of the story and all of the editorial structure. It took a lot of serious salvaging of footage to get it to an acceptable place after the concept was gutted… But it’s such a faint reflection of the real narrative with broken execution and far less ambition. If they liked the weak version, I’d bet they’d love the strong one. No one knows what they’re missing, and they’re missing a lot.

Then this screenshot showed up on

The story:

Britney meets a guy with whom she falls instantly in love. It’s made clear to the audience that Britney is an assassin/hitman as we see her kill a group of people in a car (hence the gun pictures that were leaked to the media). She is given her next assignment who turns out to be the guy she fell in love with at the beginning of the video. The go to meet in their favorite spot, but Britney is not there. She is across the street with a rifle with her target set on him. She looks through the scope and sees her man holding a ring her made for her. She leaves and aborts the mission to kill him. She leaves town because she knows she is not safe around him. Doing this, she knows she will be killed for abandoning her mission to kill this guy. She hides out in a hotel and is taken by other assassins and beaten, tied to a chair, etc. She has sacrificed herself for this man. We see time pass as he dates a new girl, gets married, has a baby, etc. We see him looking out a window thinking about Britney, his true love that disappeared. Then, we see Britney on the floor of her hotel room, barely alive, as her body slowly turns to ash. The last shot of Britney is the hotel room is her smiling as their eyes seem to meet. Her body then disintegrates. The final shot of the video is Britney and her lover kissing in the sunset.

So controversial they don't want it seen?