We've all procrastinated at some point in our lives. Chances are, you're procrastinating on something right now too. And you might just have a reason for not doing the things you need to do. Here are some 13 things you've said to yourself.

1. Can it wait? It can wait. 

2. I really have to get the laundry done.

3. There's just too much distraction.

4. I'm tired. Okay, no, I'm lazy.

5. What if it isn't the right thing to do, just yet?

6. Because, perfection.

7. I'll wait till it is really urgent.

8. Or when I'm more awake.

9. Doing things under pressure is my forte.

10. So little time, so much to do.

11. It'll be great to have that body, someday.

12. I hate responsibilities!

13. I'm better than most people.