Always tongue tied when it comes to witty comebacks? Here are some quotes to remember, and they all come from family friendly Disney films. They are perfect.

1. If someone says something utterly stupid.

2. If you're sick of hearing someone complain about relationships.

3. If you don't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

4. If you want to find a way to be bitchy.

5. If you want to ward off people.

6. If someone says something stupid again.

7. How to deal with a group of jerks.

8. If you feel bitter?

9. If someone just "doesn't get it".

10. If you want to call someone stupid.

11. If you want to be direct about it.

12. Kill them with kindness.

13. Come-back 101.

14. If you want to be sarcastic.

15. If someone is being bitchy to you.