First, it's hard to pull off sexy. Can one manufacture sexy, or does it come naturally? We've managed to identify a total of 17 types of sexy that Rihanna exudes. Check out the list below and see if you agree with us.

1. Singing-sexy

2. Teasing-sexy

3. On-a-boat-sexy

4. In the dark-sexy

5. On-the-couch-sexy

6. Picture-perfect-sexy

7. Gaze-sexy

8. Girl-next-door-sexy

9. Sultry-sexy.

10. Intentionally-sexy

11. Dominatrix-sexy

12. Bathtub-sexy

13. At-the-beach-sexy

14. IRL-sexy

15. Music-video-sexy

16. Beautifully-sexy

17. Scantily-clad-sexy