Packaging can make all the difference to brand recall and sales. Here are 20 products that have made what seems to be ordinary products into spectacular ones by paying a lot of attention at the way it is presented to consumers. Check it out after the jump:

1. Cookie

2. Earbuds

3. Spine Vodka

4. Laundry Detergent

5. Bread

6. Bobby Pins

7. Paint Brushes

8. Coconut Water

9. Waterproof Watches

10. Freshly Baked Cookies

11. Yarn

12. Butter

13. Bread Bra

14. Pistachio Nuts

15. Tissues

16. Samurai Vodka

17. Parmesan Cheese "Pencils"

18. Dog Bones

19. Marvel Store Bag

20. Sony Walkman