So you've been dating your boyfriend for about a year when you suddenly discover that he's secretly been using Tinder behind your back. When you confront him about it, he'll probably say he was only on Tinder it because..

He's genuinely curious
He wants to know why all his guy friends won't shut up about the app

He's just bored
He wanted to see what the big deal was, and "forgot" to uninstall it

He's just 'window-shopping'

Whenever you're not around, he needs to remind himself of all the other women that he's missing out on

He feels lonely
He just likes having deep conversations with complete strangers, okay?

He's checking to see if you're on Tinder
Because he doesn't have the balls to actually ask you if you have an account

Of course, having an account on a dating/hook up app doesn't automatically mean that your boyfriend is a cheating douchebag. But unless if you guys are open about this kind of stuff, you might want to reevaluate where this relationship is heading. Just saying.