We've waited four years for the World Cup to happen again, and this time it is happening in Brazil. And while we have a pretty picture of Brazil painted in our minds - the sexy models, the crazy parties, and the ever so beautiful fans, the truth of the matter is that things don't look too rosy for the country itself.

The reason for that is what goes on behind the scenes. Here are 7 shocking reasons you shouldn't be supporting it.

1. The child sex trafficking industry demand is increasing.

Pimps are using the major sporting event to increase their prostitution business. Boys and girls as young as 10 have been ordered to sell sex to foreigners for as little as 1.30 EURO.

2. They need money for hospitals and education. Not stadiums and hotels.

The World Cup could cost Brazil $11 billion. That money could have better been spent on building more hospitals and creating better education for the country.

3. Indigenous people are being expelled of their reservations.

Indigenous people are being expelled out of their homes, and treated as disposable by the government.

4. Human rights are a rare sight.

An exceptional law was proposed to impose harsh penalties for those who promoted generalized panic.

5. People have been forced to relocate against their will.

The deficit in Brazil is huge, and now there are 2,500 homeless people in Ri de Janeiro and 10,000 in Sao Paolo.

6. Police brutality.

Protestors are met with violent police force, from tear gas to rubber bullets. Some have been killed in clashes even.

7. There are a lot of homeless people in Brazil.

The poverty rate is around 15%, and 170,000 people are being threatened of face eviction as more roads and buildings are built.

To learn more and help protect Brazil's native tribes, visit Survival International.