Everyone is judgemental. Everyone. But there's still a fine line between knowing how to give constructive critcism without immediately coming across as a complete jerk.

And on the other end of that spectrum you have backhanded compliments, which are basically just insults disguised as compliments.

Here are the most common examples of backhanded compliments that people dish out on a daily basis. We wouldn't reccomend trying them out on anyone, unless if you're okay with getting backhanded in the face:

About your looks:
  1. You look amazing!.. From behind.
  2. Wow, you look so great in that picture! It doesn't even look a bit like you.
  3. You look so much better with make-up on. Maybe you should wear it more often
  4. I bet you're really good at swimming, because you have very broad shoulders for a woman.
At work:
  1. Has anyone ever told you that you're so much smarter than you actually sound?
  2. The people who do (x job) don't have to be smart at all, even someone like YOU could do it!
  3. That's a really good job... for a girl.
Meeting someone after a long time:
  1. You're WAY less uglier than you used to be!
  2. You look great for your age, have you had any work done?
About your outfit:
  1. That dress looks good on you, makes you almost look like you lost 30 pounds!
  2. You look really nice, you should DEFINITELY wear that more often.
  3. It's so refreshing to meet someone who DOESN'T CARE about how they look!
  4. I wish I could be as confident as you and just wear WHATEVER I can find that's clean.
About your personality:
  1. I love hanging out with you when you're drunk!
  2. You're really funny... in your own special way.
  3. You aren't NEARLY as bitchy as you look.