There's no denying that Taylor Swift is hot. She's pretty much picture perfect all the time and she can write hit after hit, breakup after breakup. But something's got to give, right? After all, nobody's perfect. Thankfully, all's fair in the dance department. If you've noticed, she's got really awkward moves. She tries to make it sexy, but it comes off as just... just stahhhp!

Here are 17 dance battles between Taylor and a few other celebrities. Check out who wins after the jump:

1. Taylor Swift vs. Kate Upton:


Winner: Kate Upton, because of that bikini.

2. Taylor Swift vs. Miley Cyrus:


Winner: Taylor Swift because she's dancing when everyone else is sitting down.

3. Taylor Swift vs. Vanessa Hudgens:


Winner: Vanessa Hudgens. You can't beat that.

4. Taylor Swift vs. Beyoncé:


Winner: Taylor Swift. Queen Bey can't counter the Karate Kid's Crane move ON STAGE.

5. Taylor Swift vs. Miley again:


Winner: Miley Cyrus, because we can't get this image out of our heads, forever.

6. Taylor Swift vs. Iggy Azalea:


Winner: Taylor Swift. This is music! Not porn! Even though Taylor looks friggin awkward doing what she's trying to do.

7. Taylor Swift vs. Beyoncé:


Winner: Beyonce. More movement wins. Simple as that.

8. Taylor Swift vs. Iggy Azalea, again:


Winner: TIE. Head-banging vs twerking cancels each other out.

9. Taylor Swift vs. Harry Styles:


Winner: Harry Styles, because it looks like Taylor is head-bopping to that ass.

10. Taylor Swift vs. Rihanna:


Winner: Taylor Swift, because, seriously what the hell is Rihanna doing?

11. Taylor Swift vs. Leonardo DiCaprio:


Winner: Leonardo DiCaprio, because he never wins anything.

12. Taylor Swift vs. Ross:


Winner: Taylor Swift, for the stiffest moves ever.

13. Taylor Swift vs. Shakira:


Winner: Shakira, because she's been doing this for years. Plus she's given birth to a child and she can STILL move like that.

14. Taylor Swift vs. Beyoncé:


Winner: Beyonce. The routine looks similar, but the Queen packs more energy in it.

15. Taylor Swift vs. Paris Hilton:


Winner: Taylor Swift. Because she doesn't get old people flipping her off like Paris. 

16. Taylor Swift vs. Emma Watson:


Winner: Emma Watson. Because she looks more natural when it comes to rhythm.

17. Taylor Swift vs. Rihanna


Winner: Taylor Swift, because that GIF has 3x the awkwardness.