The best time of the day for some people is when they take a trip to the toilet. Number 2 never seemed so adventurous, until you see all the 17 best toilets you can take a dump in. It is simply marvelous. Check them out in the list after the break:

1. The 'Yellow Submarine' Bathroom

2. The Comic Book Bathroom

3. The Surprise Bathroom

4. The Garden Toilet

5. The Steampunk Bathroom

6. The Stone-Age Bathroom

7. The Solid-Gold Throne

8. The Ice Restroom

9. The Chaos Commode

10. The Tropical Challenge Bathroom

11. The Underwater Bathroom

12. The One-Way-Mirror Palace

13. The Ski-Slope Bathroom

14. The High-Rise Bathroom

15. The Glass-Bottom Bathroom

16. The Outdoorsy Bathroom

17. The Mortality Toilet