Living with friends (even best friends) is nothing like living with your family members. You may think it's a great idea, until you discover what they're really like in private.

Of course, there are other reasons to why people choose to live with others. For one, it's less lonely, and there is the case of splitting bills. But before you decide to move out of your folks and into that neat apartment with two friends, here are some things to consider before shacking up with other people.

1. Rent is cheaper

Having housemates means you don't have to bear the living costs on your own. You can split the bill, split the rent according to the size of the rooms, and breathe easier. Unfortunately you might have to share bathrooms if not every room has an en suite, and you'll have to deal with their faces when you feel like being alone on the couch in the living room.

2. There's always someone to talk to.

Coming home to an empty space can be a tad depressing sometimes, so having housemates around helps make it less lonely. Plus you can all throw a pizza party, drink beer, and pass out comfortably in your own home whenever you feel like it. The downside is that sometimes your housemates may not be in the mood to layan you, or they could have just had a really bad day.

3. Splitting chores is better than having to do it all yourself!

The great thing about having housemates is that you can divide the chores and everyone has a hand at keeping the space clean. Or you could hire a maid and split the bill. But as these things go, one of you will ultimately end up doing ALL the chores while secretly resenting the other housemates for it, thus creating tension. So make sure your future housemate is a neat person.

4. You'll meet new people when your housemates bring friends over.

Expanding your network is not a bad thing at all. So when your friends bring other friends over, you don't have to do much to make a new friend. However, you might end up hating their friends, unless you and your housemates hang around similar circles.

5. Your fridge will never be empty.

Because you have housemates who will do their own groceries, you'll always have a fully-stocked refrigerator. But if everyone is on a budget, then that food is probably not meant for sharing. The fun bit is that you can all do your shopping together, and share a few items.

6. It feels a lot safer at night.

When you lay your head to rest, you'll sleep well knowing that you're not alone. If you have a housemate who sleeps later than you, then better! It'll be comforting to know that they're there if you need anything. But if your housemate stays up all night with loud music playing till the wee hours of the morning, then you'd better be a night owl like them, or choose a less nocturnal housemate.

7. You will learn how to deal with other people's quirks and habits.

You'll also start to discover your own quirks and habits, and how you respond to other people's differences. It's tiring, but if your housemate isn't a thief or a compulsive liar, then their quirks and weird habits won't surface so often, and you'll be fine.

So if you do decide to give this living-with-a-housemate thing a go, the most valuable bit of advice we can give you would have to be: