There's a stark difference here when you meet Avril Lavigne versus Kelly Clarkson or Rihanna. If you had to choose, you had better not choose Avril. The level of enthusiasm she displays is pathetic, and almost as if fans are doing her favor by meeting her. Check out the gallery for a comparison:

Avril: Let out an uncomfortable smile

Kelly: Get fans to piggyback you

Rihanna: Molest your fans

Kelly: Get creative with your fans

Rihanna: Let your fans molest you

Avril: What the hell am I doing here?

Kelly: Make sure this fan buys more albums

Avril: Make sure this fan doesn't come too close

Kelly: Give a fan "The Rock's Elbow"

Rihanna: Continue to molest your fans

Avril: Is this going to be over anytime soon? Really?

Kelly: Make a memorable moment

Rihanna: Make a memorable moment

Avril: Erm, what is memorable?

Kelly: Lift your fans up!

Rihanna: Hug your fans.

Avril: Make sure you stay at least 15 inches away from your fans

Kelly: It is all about having fun!

Avril: It is all about my fake smile.

Rihanna: Don't mind body contact

Rihanna: Inspire your fans

Kelly: Hug your fans.

Avril: Personal space, bro. Personal space.

Kelly: Get your fans to lift you up.

Avril: Hold that fake smile for a few more seconds.

Rihanna: Let fans molest you. Then molest them back.

Rihanna: Be quirky.

Kelly: No selfie should be done in a boring way.

Rihanna: Suggestive poses with fans.

Rihanna: Get sexy.

Rihanna: Body contact is ok.

Rihanna: Fulfill a dream.

Avril: Personal space. Fake enthusiasm. Is this over yet? Please let this be the last one. Ok?