Here's proof that sometimes, a baked product can be more exciting than interacting with members of the opposite sex. Meet "Connor Cupcake", a parody profile created by Lee Breslouer that scored big time on popular dating app Tinder.

Here's how the 31-year-old food and drink writer came up with the idea:
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about heterosexual women, it’s that they like men. They enjoy their company. They even marry them, sometimes. But they love cupcakes. And if there’s another thing I know, it’s that single women are on Tinder. So armed with those two pieces of knowledge, I set out to create a Tinder persona that no woman could resist: a man’s face drawn on a cupcake.
It took a couple of hours before the potential matches started rolling in like hot cakes. Here's a sample of some saucy conversations that were sent to Connor (that's right, there are people out there actually willing to spend time sexting a cupcake).

For more on Connor Cupcake's thrilling adventures on Tinder, click here