Any adult with a career would think of venturing out to live on their own at some point. It's only natural, and if you can afford it, why not? Of course, it's not really an option for some. Either way, living on your own gives you a sense of freedom, yet teaches you some important lessons about yourself.

Here are 9 things people who live alone will totally understand, and they're also some of the things people who are thinking of living alone can expect:

You finally get your own living space.
When you move in, you'll have to figure out how to make the space feel like home - even if you can't afford the decor or furniture you want. On the bright side, you can design it any way you like!

You love hanging out at home in your undies, or nothing at all.
After a few weeks of having friends visit your new place, you'll finally get annoyed when people come over unexpectedly, because it means you have to actually wear clothes. You had gotten used to owning your living room in your undies.

You have to do your own chores, or hire your own maid.
All those years of getting yelled at by your parentals are finally making sense: You have to do your own chores! And after your initial 'chuck anything into the shopping basket' at the supermarket, you might even find yourself comparing detergents and tea-towel materials with other friends who also live on their own.

You learn how to make a sandwich. Or realized there was an inner chef within you dying to cook magret de canard with pommes de terre au four and sauce aux pêches.
All those nights coming home to a delicious home-cooked meal? Gone. All those mornings waking up to breakfast by mom or maid? Gone. All those tidbits in that well-stocked larder? GET OUT AND GET IT YOURSELF! Yep, you finally figure out how to feed yourself without having to go out to eat all the time. Some of you even go on to become amazing home chefs! Congratulations.

Being sick can be seriously exhausting.
The shitty thing about living alone is falling sick, because you would still have to do your chores, make your own food, and drive yourself to the clinic. The great news is that you'll make it a point to stay healthy.

You're forced to deal with your irrational fears.
If you're afraid of cockroaches, spiders, geckos, the dark, strange noises, the sound of wind coming through the cracks in the window, and more, you don't really have much choice but to deal with it. Or hide.

The price of living alone is called your bills and rent.
But the good thing is that you'll be really good at managing your finances. Look at responsible you!

No matter how much you enjoy living alone, it can get lonely.
Especially when you've had a bad day. But then you learn to comfort yourself and not depend on anyone to make you feel better.

You sometimes miss living with people.
Those who are used to being surrounded by family or housemates will occasionally miss sharing a space with someone. It's coming home to people you can just veg out with, but this feeling comes and goes. Because you've already figured out how to be independent.

Does this describe your life now or in future? If not, maybe you're better off living with a housemate instead.