Fashion is cyclical. It repeats itself every thirty years. Don't believe this to be true? Then take a stroll down memory lane, and see all the iconic designs that haven't quite left us yet.

1. The 20’s

Oxford type shoes were popular among men and women back in the 20s. Now, they're still being worn by both men and women.

2. The 30’s

Shoe lacing started to disappear, and the slip ons were born. Heel height remained the same, but offered more support for women who were on their feet all day long.

3. The 40’s

Shorter skirts meant heels had to grow between two and two and a half inches. Oxford style shoes remained in style for men still.

4. The 50’s

The emergence of the open-toed, ankle straps, sling backs and higher heels boomed during this period.

5. The 60’s

Boots. Of all sorts of heights and lengths. These became a basic part of footwear during this time. It still is today.

6. The 70’s

Skirts started to get even shorter than before, so heels had to get higher again. Toes became more rounded and less pointed, and the shoe trend during this period was the platform heel.

7. The 80’s

Nothing does neon colors more justice than a pair of high top sneakers. Who wasn't wearing these back then?

8. The 90’s

The platform sole became popular again, and men's shoes were drawn from the classic oxford shoe once more. Boots also returned, and they even reached knee length.

9. 2000-2010

The trend around this time was to wear shoes or heels with ankle socks, though that seems kind of old fashioned. For men and women alike, moccasins came back as a casual option.

10. 2010-Current

Women started to wear the wedge heel more often this time around, and flats also became acceptable for women, from ballet flats to ones with a pointed toe and more.