Everyone is familiar with "First World Problems", which is basically just everyday frustrations and complaints experienced only by privileged individuals in wealthy countries.

While such complaints may seem trivial compared to that of others, even you can't deny how annoying it is when the stuff listed below happens to you...

When writing anything scientific in Microsoft Word

Nobody really understands how apostrophes work

Why must delicious muffins stick to the wrapper?

Slushies are not meant to end up like this

Butter isn't supposed to destroy bread

Pudding cup wrappers never open the way they should...

The same thing applies to milk cartons

What's the point of fancy USB sticks if they aren't designed to fit?

Why are they still making TV remotes with that stupid battery flap at the back?

Sharpening pencils shouldn't be so tricky

Pencil erasers are just so useless

Why do binders still exist?