We recently discovered a precocious 4-yeary old who creates amazing paper dresses with her mother. Now we have another young one who dresses up with mom.

San Diego mom Angela Bonser has been making Disney-inspired outfits for her youngest daughter Haylie for the past four years. Some of the costumes Bonser sews include outfits worn by characters like Rapunzel, Cinderella, Ariel and Giselle.

It began when Bonser and family moved to San Diego in 2009 and went to Disneyland for the first time. She noticed little girls dressed like Disney princesses and thought it would be fun if Haylie dressed as one too. They returned a few months later with Haylie dressed in a Snow White costume.

Bonser then got to work on other Disney-character outfits. But the one that made the biggest impression was a Mary Poppins one.

“I remember when we got to the park. We hadn't even entered yet, but the reaction of all the other people in line was just overwhelming. No one else had ever seen a little tiny Mary Poppins before. That’s not something you can buy. People were just blown away,” Bonser recalled.

Check out more of Bonser's pieces here.