For some reason, this Internet comic thinks he's funny. Remi Gaillard has sparked outrage in France with a video called "Free Sex". He films himself simulating sex acts with unsuspecting women without their knowledge.

According to Daily Dot:
A French comedian, who describes himself on YouTube as "world-famous for his dangerously funny videos," Gaillard has "air sex" with unsuspecting women on the street.

In the video, Gaillard (who, from the looks of it, is France's version of Dane Cook, which for some reason actually sounds way worse than Cook himself) sneaks up behind a series of attractive young women, simulating fellatio, cunniligus, and sex with them without their knowledge (emphasis on "without their knowledge"—although he's pantomiming sex, the joke is that he's doing so without their consent). When they catch on, he scampers away.
This has got to be a new low if he thinks it's funny. Gaillard has accused of glorifying rape culture and worse, according to Metro:
Writer Dom Bochel Guegan claimed the video [trivialized] 'the sexual violence of which we have been or will be one day the victim of'. French TV presenter Audrey Pulvar described the film as 'disgusting and unfunny' while a former health minister said the comedian was guilty of 'glorifying rape'.
Gaillard weighed in on the controversy on Facebook, writing, "Women are not objects, and yet, the media is feasting on this humorous video. If the video doesn't make everyone laugh, that's another story." He also thanked his followers for "voting en masse...for the freedom of expression."

The guy just can't understand why what he's doing is wrong.