Leave it to a Japanese airline to come up with a sexy outfit for their female flight attendants. Starting May, Skymark Airlines will have its air stewardesses wear the shortest miniskirts as part of a new uniform.

The new outfit is a royal blue mini dress and heels. It has been deemed "dangerous" by the Japan Federation of Cabin Attendants. Not only does it portray women as sex objects, it puts them in a greater risk for sexual harassment and in physical danger should they be required to exit the plane in an emergency.

And then imagine them storing luggage in the overhead compartments or picking things up off the floor! Panties alert!

But the company has asserted that the uniforms are only a part of a "half-year campaign," and not all employees will wear them. They're also getting “consent from the cabin attendants who are scheduled to wear the uniforms.” The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Travel, however, is still investigating the possibility of the uniforms being a genuine safety hazard while the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is checking to make sure it doesn’t violate the employer’s legal requirement to protect employees from sexual harassment.
