You might have seen some really impressive CVs online, but this job applicant went the extra mile to make sure she landed her internship by creating a miniature Lego version of herself.

Redditor PastLightSpeed, whose name is Leah, says the effort was the result of an application prompt. She writes:
I should mention that I am not a graphic designer, nor am I applying for a graphic design job. The poster pictured is not my resume, but rather a specific piece in response to a request by a specific agency to "create a piece of persuasive advertising with you as the product."
She posted pictures of her handiwork to Reddit, where it shot to the top of the front page within hours! Leah says she started by designing the bring version of herself, and then created packaging to go with it. For one agency, she submitted a poster that presented herself as a product. It took her an entire weekend, and she's gotten a phone interview.