Food porn is a beautiful nightmare especially when you're stuck in the office and there is no delicious food available near you. Yet we do love to torture our appetites with scrumptious food we can't have at the moment.

French coffee brand Carte Noire's video ad by Proximity BBDO Paris trumps plenty of food porn with this visually enticing chromatic process of making profiteroles.

Adweek wanted to find out what the heck was going on in the video, by using Google translate:
The ambitious among you can find out how to make them, in French, over at the Carte Noire website, along with the following message. "Discover Rose by Carte Noire, greedy video reserved for women. Exclusively for men, this recipe is to enjoy with friends. But you resist the urge to share these adorable cabbage with your lover?" OK, maybe Google Translate didn't nail the details, but you get the idea. "Download the recipe without waiting!" is pretty clear, though.
PERFECT. I too, would like to share these adorable cabbages with my lover.

Torture your appetite, like, right now:

UPDATE: Check out the other videos by Carte Noire - they're all as equally enticing as the Petit chou si tendre à la crème de café one you've just seen. We've attached a few below: