Most parents would sacrifice plenty for their children. But with the luxuries most of us city folk have, it's easy to forget that there are less fortunate families who have to go the extra mile to ensure their children get the best care and education.

In Yibin, China, a loving father named Yu Xukang carries his disabled son, Xiao Qiang, to school every day. The nearest school that would accept the 12-year old boy is located 4.5 miles away from their home, and since Xiao is incapable of walking or riding a bike due to his physical condition, Yu walks 18 miles a day to drop off and pick up his son from school.

Xiao's legs and arms are twisted and his back is hunched. These difficulties easily hold him back and keep him from attending class, if not for his dedicated dad.

Yu explains, "Every morning I get up at 5am to prepare a lunch for him to eat and then I walk the four-and-a-half miles to the school, and then come back here so I can work to earn money. I then walk back to the school to pick up my son and bring him home."

There are no other means of transportation, and the doting dad vowed to carry his son back and forth school everyday.

He says, "I know that my son is physically disabled but there is nothing wrong with his mind. "

Yu is a 40-year old single father who separated from his wife 9 years ago. He's been working hard to give his son the best opportunities in life. "Despite being 12 he's just 90 cm tall. But I am proud of the fact that he is already top of his class and I know he will achieve great things," says the proud dad. "My dream is that he will go to college."

Yu and Xiao's story had circulated within their local media, and the local Chinese government caught wind of it. The government has since contacted the duo and intend to provide housing for them that's closer to the school, in an effort to ease Yu's burden. In addition, the school is reportedly being modified to accommodate for boarding students that will include Xiao.